Sunday 20 July 2014

Have you ever wondered? Have you ever understood the "why" of anything?

Just question yourself and right in front of you dances the answer!! The most interesting thing is, we find the answer from a very unexpected source. It might be a fly, a flower or any non living object or most commonly and directly a person..

One important thing is we should be ready to receive those answers.. Recently I was wondering and accepted with my mind that "I never understand the "why" of anything'. But slowly I realised - one should play till that end of the broken bridge, only then he can start knowing how to enjoy the play of getting to the other side.

Deeply digging into one's self is always good.. Then only the seeds can be sown deep and a strong rooted plant can be grown. Finally enjoying the fruits of the result.. 

Let me share few interesting things... 

- while you are working on a very important thing without any break..then a small fly comes and starts playing around u... Just don't get frustrated but try to observe and understand which is not directly explained.. There u get the answer and your work might get easier, interesting too...

- if you keenly observe, you find few things very repeatedly and daily.. If we make out a list of those things and try to work on them, eventually there lies a very interesting answer..

May be this is one of the ways how few people practices intuition??

A small trail to share the first gear views of my life journey.. ;-)

Monday 21 April 2014

Music is the Universal Language!

"Music" - who is not aware of this word? Right from a mother's lullaby to  a music maestro's  hum... Right from the sounds of rhythmic wind to the sounds of sprinkling rainy water....Any sound which is pleasing and rhythmic to hear is music!!

"Language" - In simple terms it is a mode of expression of emotions, views, thoughts of all the living beings on the earth. It need not be only a verbal (spoken or  written) form but can also be a non verbal (sign language) form of expression.

"Universal Language" - One of the dictionary meanings of this term is: Any kind of expression that is used and understood everywhere.

Every thing in the world expresses in its own way. It depends on ourselves to keenly observe, understand and perceive. Not only visual signs speak but also audio/sound signs speak. The horn of a vehicle, a school bell, the tic tock of a clock ...what not, everything speaks. Human mind can create wonders, no doubt!!

All the nava rasAs can be expressed through musical sounds. If we keenly observe the background music in any film or any visual program, the viewer first understands the situation in tune with the music... Might be for romance, comedy, fear or happiness.. Best example is the background score of news channels' breaking news item :-p Not necessary to know the meanings of the dialogues!

Emotions can easily be expressed through music. Need not be a lyrical composition, just the play of musical notes express emotions. In fact it's a strongest way to express. Thus music is set to tune with the lyrical expression and sometimes perfect lyrics set in the expression of tuned music.

I feel lyrics helps in understanding and perceiving the true expression or emotion of a composer whereas in a non lyrical composition,  to some extent the true emotion can be perceived and on the other hand it entirely depends on the emotional status, perception and imagination of the listener.

Thus I opine - Yes, Music is the Universal Language !!! The language of the World !!! The language of God !!!

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Close your eyes.. Just imagine the bluish long neck, small face with tiny round eyes and sharp beak, having its colorful tail opened in  a half circle backdrop, with a beautiful body and thin legs dancing in happiness knowing that the clouds in the sky are going to sprinkle water on to the earth.. 
Yes the beautiful Peacock, The National Bird of India, is really a lovely sight to see and imagine. It is closer to poets and artists than any other birds.

It is said that the sight or imagination of a peacock rejuvenates self esteem levels!! While feeling blank or blue any time, just imagine a peacock and it puts you in a proper mood and you'll really feel high.

The name peacock is generalised in usage. But the male one is called as Peafowl and the female as Peahen. Male bird is good looking, found in blue and green colours, has the long glittering tail. We can see many number of eye shaped design on its feathers. They are in fact called as eyes on its tail.  Whereas the female looks a bit ugly and dark grey in colour. Peacocks preys on small plants, insects, snakes etc.  

Peacock was given a high importance spiritually in many cultures and religions. Mayura (kannada) or nemali (telugu) is associated with a number of Hindu Gods. It serves as a conveyance to Lord Kartikeya, Goddess Saraswati and Godess Kanya Kumari. We all are very familiar to see Lord Krishna beautifully depicted with a peacock feather on his crown.

     It is also said that this bird is the possessor of most admired human characteristics. It symbolises Nobility, Royalty,  Holiness, Guidance, Protection, Watchfulness, Glory, kindenss, compassion, good luck, patience,  Vision, Awakening, Refinement, Immortality....

This graceful bird also has great history in Asian, Greco - Roman, Babylonia and Persian mythologies.

The peacock feathers are said to be the bearers of good luck, fortune, love and positive energies. The ash of peacock feathers are used for healing the ill health of humans related to respiratory and sexual weakness problems.

One can see a peafowl dancing with its opened tail in anticipation of rain and to attract the peahen into courtship. These peahens like those male partners who have a thick plumage.

Peacock is a sign of beauty (as it is beautiful) and knowledge (the hundred eyes on its feathers).With keen observation only man acquires knowledge. So it shows Knowledge without love is lifeless..

There is something to talk about this bird in Astronomy.. In the southern hemisphere, the Astronomers recognized a group of stars forming in a peacock pattern. It was named as Pavo (Peacock)  Constellation. Spirtually, a peacock symbolises rebirth and regeneration.

 The Alchemists treat the view of this bird as a good omen in their spiritual growth. In the five stage process of an alchemist's spiritual growth, the peacock omen is the third, crucial and turning point stage. It signifies the entrance into the inner experience of the astral world and next level of consciousness. 

Mmm.. my work is done now, to show my gratitude for this great omen .. So, it's your turn now!! :-)

Thursday 27 February 2014

7 in Spinal..

The 7 concept, one of the interesting concepts, I would like to explore on. Being born on 7th, I have developed a deep interest on this number. It is indeed a very powerful number. There is a lot to know about this number. Starting with 7 musical notes (sa ri ga ma pa da ni), 7 colours of rainbow (vibgyor), 7 chakras or energy centres in our spinal cord, 7 wonders of world, 7 days in a week, 7 steps in hindu marriage, 7 continents, 7 seas,  7 hills, 7 skies, 7 heavens,7 climes, 7 dwarves, 7 sins and many more. Even becoming 7 years old is considered to be a turning point in a child's development.

We all know the importance of spinal cord in the human body. This '7 in spinal' article is just about a few well known interesting facts regarding the importance of 7 in our spinal cord. 

There are seven main chakras or energy centres and they are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body. They are

1.  Root Chakra / Muladhara                -     "Sa"   -   R (red)          

2. Sacral Chakra / Svadhishtana.          -    "Ri"    -   O (orange) 

3. Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura       -     "Ga"  -   Y (Yellow)

4. Heart Chakra / Anahata                     -     "Ma"  -   G (Green)

5. Throat Chakra / Visuddha                  -     "Pa"   -    B (Blue)

6. Third eye Chakra / Agna                    -      "Da"   -    I (Indigo)

7.  Crown Chakra / Sahasrara                -      "Ni"    -   V (Violet)

These chakras are sacred centers and directly influence our physical and emotional life.
These energy centers relate to seven energy fields. 

They are said to be balanced if they are vibrating at the required frequency- opened, bright and clean.
When the chakra gets blocked, then it affects our physical and mental health. 

Scientifically and spiritually gaining knowledge about these chakras and then imagining the healthy spinning of these chakras through meditation will definitely help us in maintaining good and vibrant health... :-)

Wednesday 8 January 2014

"I see the light"... The beautiful Rapunzel's dream coming true...

 """All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All those time never even knowing Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see Standing here,
it's ohh so clear I'm where I'm meant to be........

 And at last I see the light
 And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light
 And it's like the sky is new
 And it's warm and real and bright
 And the world has somehow shifted
 All at once everything looks different
 Now that I see you...."""""

 Here I can see the clarity a person achieves in life when the dreams come true... Till then a little (but stronger) HOPE helps to move towards living his dream..
 Yes.. I see the light... This little light of mine, am going to let it shine..

Monday 30 September 2013


A Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose....

After listening to that line.. pondering on it.. I felt, probably the poetess tried to explain the beauty of a rose and ended up explaining with what it is..

“ It is what it is”…

If we go further it explains, things are what they are… A big thought..

Beautifulness is what a rose is. Happiness is what a rose is. Lovefulness is what a rose is. Rosefulness is what a rose is.. Redfulness is what a rose is..

Drawing a Rose is one of the starting lessons to learn for an artist, it is a smile gift on our sweet hearts’ lips. It’s a beautiful comparison to the softness of a female..

 A garden full of roses is a blissful view.

I just wanna close my eyes and enjoy the view…

As a bud it hides all its beauty. Day by day it blossoms into a flower looking up for what’s life is going to offer. Enjoys its presence and shares happiness all over.

It’s stem has thorns… but up there the rose says slowly come up through those thorns u find the beauty, u touch the happiness.. don’t go back just by touching the thorns. Please move on, there is something in store for you..

Nature has all the answers for the innocent questions we have..   just a heartful look deep into the nature is what needed and it is so very simple just as asking our fellow being.. 

"So follow the rose way and enjoy the causeway of life.." 
(just trying to sound poetic.. ;-) try to get my view in that line)

Inspired by a rose...


Saturday 3 August 2013

Graceful Kathak…

Graceful Kathak…

Fine Arts play an eminent role in everybody’s life. Man turns himself towards arts in search of happiness. They act as resources for revitalizing one’s self. Music, dance, theatre, painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry are called as fine arts among 64 arts. India is endowed with a rich treasure of fine arts. I feel Blessed to be a human and proud to be an Indian.

Kathak, one of the eight Indian dance forms, mesmerizes me. Such a graceful dance it is. Grace and aesthetics are the basic qualities every art form possesses. But my fascination is towards the graceful kathak among the other dance forms. I just adore this dance form. The foot work, expressions, body movements, beautiful spins, costumes, ghungroo (ankle bells), jewelry, and the dancer… All these together contribute to the gracefulness in it.

When I was 15 years old, for the first time I got introduced to this dance form. Thanks to the idea of the CCRT (Centre for Cultural Resources and Training) to conduct workshops with an intention of “Untiy in Diversity”. In these workshops all the young students receiving Scholarships in their respective art forms, from all over India, meet at one place. As a young and upcoming music scholar,  I got an opportunity to know about this dance form through these workshops. From then on my fascination developed towards this graceful kathak.

Out of interest, I searched in google and got to know that Kathak traces its origins to some group of people know as KathAkArs or story tellers from ancient northern India. That is why it is named ‘Kathak’. There is also an interesting fact that it has absorbed certain features of Persian and Central Asian dance forms in the period of Mughal’s rule. One can find similarities in the foot work used in kathak with that of Persian dance.

To discuss about the body movements is beyond my level of expression. One should just watch and enjoy the beauty in those movements. The foot work and spins are the highlights in this dance. The costume, a lady dancer wears, is an anArkali dress. I just love the umbrella shape formed while spinning. Spins done in faster rhythms look wonderful. I find lots of expertise in that rhythmic spinning. The ghungroo to the ankels, sounding in response to the rhythmic beats of tabla, is one of the factors I just adore. Facial expressions along with the steps is another interesting thing one shouldn’t miss.

Finally I am done with expressing and sharing my views on graceful kathak dance as my second attempt to write. Feeling happy. :-)

Keep reading and do encourage me.