Monday 30 September 2013


A Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose....

After listening to that line.. pondering on it.. I felt, probably the poetess tried to explain the beauty of a rose and ended up explaining with what it is..

“ It is what it is”…

If we go further it explains, things are what they are… A big thought..

Beautifulness is what a rose is. Happiness is what a rose is. Lovefulness is what a rose is. Rosefulness is what a rose is.. Redfulness is what a rose is..

Drawing a Rose is one of the starting lessons to learn for an artist, it is a smile gift on our sweet hearts’ lips. It’s a beautiful comparison to the softness of a female..

 A garden full of roses is a blissful view.

I just wanna close my eyes and enjoy the view…

As a bud it hides all its beauty. Day by day it blossoms into a flower looking up for what’s life is going to offer. Enjoys its presence and shares happiness all over.

It’s stem has thorns… but up there the rose says slowly come up through those thorns u find the beauty, u touch the happiness.. don’t go back just by touching the thorns. Please move on, there is something in store for you..

Nature has all the answers for the innocent questions we have..   just a heartful look deep into the nature is what needed and it is so very simple just as asking our fellow being.. 

"So follow the rose way and enjoy the causeway of life.." 
(just trying to sound poetic.. ;-) try to get my view in that line)

Inspired by a rose...



  1. Hmm excellent dear sis... wish u have lots of such beautiful roses in ur life.. :)
