Thursday 27 February 2014

7 in Spinal..

The 7 concept, one of the interesting concepts, I would like to explore on. Being born on 7th, I have developed a deep interest on this number. It is indeed a very powerful number. There is a lot to know about this number. Starting with 7 musical notes (sa ri ga ma pa da ni), 7 colours of rainbow (vibgyor), 7 chakras or energy centres in our spinal cord, 7 wonders of world, 7 days in a week, 7 steps in hindu marriage, 7 continents, 7 seas,  7 hills, 7 skies, 7 heavens,7 climes, 7 dwarves, 7 sins and many more. Even becoming 7 years old is considered to be a turning point in a child's development.

We all know the importance of spinal cord in the human body. This '7 in spinal' article is just about a few well known interesting facts regarding the importance of 7 in our spinal cord. 

There are seven main chakras or energy centres and they are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body. They are

1.  Root Chakra / Muladhara                -     "Sa"   -   R (red)          

2. Sacral Chakra / Svadhishtana.          -    "Ri"    -   O (orange) 

3. Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura       -     "Ga"  -   Y (Yellow)

4. Heart Chakra / Anahata                     -     "Ma"  -   G (Green)

5. Throat Chakra / Visuddha                  -     "Pa"   -    B (Blue)

6. Third eye Chakra / Agna                    -      "Da"   -    I (Indigo)

7.  Crown Chakra / Sahasrara                -      "Ni"    -   V (Violet)

These chakras are sacred centers and directly influence our physical and emotional life.
These energy centers relate to seven energy fields. 

They are said to be balanced if they are vibrating at the required frequency- opened, bright and clean.
When the chakra gets blocked, then it affects our physical and mental health. 

Scientifically and spiritually gaining knowledge about these chakras and then imagining the healthy spinning of these chakras through meditation will definitely help us in maintaining good and vibrant health... :-)


  1. This was explained in one of the discourses about sangetham by samavedam garu

    1. Oh... Yes.. Many masters proved this... :-)

  2. Good one to read but small correction, the colours depicted are not correct exactly. For example manipuraka chakra is jataragni samandam, Eshwara sambandam blue colour. Turiyam (sahasrara) is white light a blend of vibgyor nd an entry point for cosmic energy. But very good to read.
